Use XOVI Manual in Spanish of the new all-in-one SEO tool

Today I am going to explain to you how XOVI works. An all-in-one SEO tool that I use regularly. We will see together. Step by step. The best and most important functionalities of this new Swiss army knife of online marketing. All readers who follow me regularly know that on more than one occasion I have stated that, if you want to position your website better. You are obliged to create a good SEO strategy from the beginning. Of course, you also have to analyze the results you are obtaining and what your main competitors are doing. So, in order to carry out these tasks. It is vital to use tools that collect all the data we need and at the same time make our lives easier.

How to create a project with XOVI?

Finally, we will begin with the on-page analysis . Therefore, you just have to click “save” and XOVI SUITE will email contact list automatically take you to the control panel. Therefore, ow to create a custom control panel? XOVI includes a standard control panel in itself. But it also gives you the possibility of creating a personalized control panel with the sections that interest you most. Therefore, once you have your personalized control panel. You can download it in PDF Something that will make it easier for you to send a document to a client or the head of the company with the most important data without having to prepare a report. On the main dashboard. First thing you’ll find are keyword performance indicators.

Choose the domain and type of analysis

OVI comes from the acronym Online Value Index . This is a ratio created by XOVI to show us how the online DJ USA visibility of the domain is evolving in the long term. Therefore, to calculate it. It is taken into account: The number of words positioned The positions of these words Your search volume Therefore, the higher the OVI the better. Although there is no minimum or maximum. It is always advisable to compare the OVI with competitors to get an idea of ​​the organic visibility that could be achieved in a certain market niche. The OVI graph shows how the online visibility of your domain has increased or decreased in the long term in a certain period of time which can be adjusted in the clock option.

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