E-commerce Brazil Forum with content from Google and MIT read

More than 21,000 professionals are expected to pass through the corridors of the 14th edition of the E-commerce Brazil Forum between the 25th and 27th of July, at the Transamerica Expo Center in São Paulo. This Wednesday (27th), the program featured presentations on topics such as artificial intelligence and full journey strategy, opportunities and challenges of being a seller, and Conversational Commerce. Stay on top of some of the trends and knowledge shared at the event. Skills Needed for Success in the Age of AI On stage, founding partner Martha Gabriel began her presentation by addressing theories of communication in the 1990s, such as the concept of the Global Village (Marshall McLuhan) which, with the emergence of the internet, was verified in practice. Afterwards, she mentioned the invention of the smartphone, which also impacted people’s lives and businesses.

This openness was relevant to understand

The changes that are happening now, with artificial intelligence gaining strength and changing paradigms. At Google , however, it has been a reality for 7 years, when it became an AI-First company, with products that use this technology. Among them, Google Photos. Martha also invited the Burma Business Email List professionals: leave the funnel logic and move towards a full journey strategy: awareness, consideration and action. Some numbers are important to understand this, after all, shopping journeys have become moving targets: 90% changed their way of shopping after the pandemic 75% used 5 or more touchpoints to decide their purchases last Christmas The Science and Art of Social Media Management Professor Ben Ryan Shields , from MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology was present at the E-commerce Brazil Forum to present a structure that helps companies in the process of adopting, managing and measuring social media platforms to achieve better results.

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During the lecture he used the recently released movie

Barbie as an example to exemplify how the hype on social networks can be worked in favor of business. In this case, companies like Airbnb , Burger King and Starbucks promoted campaigns and actions related to film production. However, hype alone is not enough. The company needs to define  Country List what it wants to. Pass on to the market and how it will be done. In addition to treating the audience and identifying how it is receiving the message. In this process, paid media contributes to dissemination and is driven by organic media through the power. Of viralization (as in the case of the movie Barbie). Therefore, Professor Ben proposed a structure called the. Social Media Management Framework (or Social Media Management Framework. Which is composed of: goal; court hearing; platform; brand; content; distribution. Seller on platforms focused on health, perfumery and beauty RD’s marketplace director.

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